Monday, July 30, 2012

Last class notes Spring 2012

Wrap-up 1 - the class
 Overview of glocal issues, key connections, failures and successes.
What would have made the course better for you?
Too vague ? Too detailed? Too much of ? Too little of?
The course changes each year – your input helps me make the course more effective.

Wrap-up 2 - why this class
Interest in issues has grown greatly
More and more people want to get involved.
Interest in global issues is great
Not to be negative!
Understanding of issues is weak
Standing of domestic orgs is low.
Desire to deal with problems around us is lacking.
Need to connect local and global issues!

Bad news
Problems are not disappearing
Change takes time
Funds and capacity are limited
The situation will get worse before it gets better

Good news
More and more people are understanding the role of citizens
More than a wide array of groups are involved in what used to be “the governments job”
People are getting used to CSOs in Japan!
The situation will only improve with citizen input

Initiative matters! One person can make a difference!

Individuals can not work alone!
Developing sustainable org is a big challenge
Orgs need more than volunteers and 1 strong leader
They need people with knowledge, skills and motivation

Wrap-up 3 - getting involved
Some will tell you - all you need to make a difference is A GOOD HEART or some interest in a problem.
BUT that is NOT enough ! You need the skills and the commitment to
Solving the problem
Achieving concrete outputs
Deal with the difficulties that arise.

Getting involved
You can be a part of the solution to the issues you care about.
Just get started:
Assess your interests and skills.
Do some research - Find out what is available & what is needed.
Reach out to groups.
Join events
Meet people.
Find out what groups are actually doing
Find out with whom you want to work.
Take action and Jump in.

Other types of community service opportunities
Walks runs and hikes
Parties and Fundraisers
Starting your own events
Using your own networks and associations
Invite reps to give talks
Information distribution
In-kind donations
Needed items

Wrap-up 4 EVENTS 
Get more information on events like this at

Tohoku recovery news and needs
Volunteers bus to Tohoku - get involved in Tohoku recovery even if for a weekend this summer
Pick up points throughout the country

Wrap-up 5 Nonprofit-NGO sector needs
Diversity and skills are necessities:
An open mind to understand diverse ways of seeing.
Business and Activist skills - admin, org mgt., advocacy, community outreach, research, care, arts, PR, cyber/IT etc.
Approaches at different levels - gov’t, bureaucracy, community, individual, groups
And you need a positive attitude and a lot of commitment -
social/global problems are not easily solved.
Innovative ideas

NPO NGO Online Resources
Mailing lists:
NGO/NPO Walker
Events, orgs and  job listings:
NGO Network Japan
Yahoo! Volunteer
Data - In English
Development in practice
Action without borders
Reliefweb http://www.reliefweb. int.
One world net

Now go out and get involved!
Thank you and  good luck!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dear Sarajean,

Yoko and I just sent you our final presentation by e-mail.
If you did not get it, would you let us know? And we will send it again.
Best regards,


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dear Yoko,
I am terriblly sorry, I can not come to the class today.
Since I was absent from work for a couple of days last week I had lots of things to do and can not leave the office in ordinary time....
Thank you very much for the draft of the papar which you sent me the other day. I will send you back the draft tomorrow, and we can check the details.

I will come to the class on 31st for presentation.
Sorry for my absence of today and last week.
