Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring 2012 - Understanding the MDGs - course outline

Course Title: Understanding the MDGs - spring 2012
Class schedule: Tuesday nights, 6:50 – 8:50pm

An issues-based course focusing on developing a deeper, more critical understanding of diverse development issues related to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). After introducing international development and the background of the MDGs, the class then focuses on one Goal each week. Weekly online reading assignments introduce background information, reports and important data to help participants understand complex issues. These assignments form a base for class activities and discussion. Class participants are expected to take part in discussion, class work, and a group project. Participants come out of the course with a more critical understanding of international development and the MDGs.

Target Audience: This class is designed for those with some knowledge of issues but interested in developing a more critical understanding of the MDGs and community or international development.

Course Format: This course will be run in workshop format - including presentation, group discussion, pairwork and simulation activities.

Language: All course materials are in English and classes will be conducted in English. Most class presentation and discussion will take place in English but some may take place in Japanese. All evaluated materials should be submitted and presented in English.

Language Requirement: High intermediate and above (spoken and written English).

Evaluation: Participants will receive a pass if they fulfill the criteria for passing: 70% in attendance, class preparation, active class participation, final projects, and a final paper. Class participants are expected to complete readings and/or other course work even if absent.

Assignments: Weekly reading materials related to class discussion and project preparation.

Assignments and course materials: We will use a wide array of online readings for this course. Links
are on the class blogspot: This is be open to class participants only.

Independent study task: Participants will be asked to attend a workshop, event, symposium or seminar of their choice and submit 2 items before or in Class 8
a) a short report b) event documentation (such as a flyer).

Group presentation: Each student is expected to take part and prepare a collaborative presentation and submit a related final paper, related to any 1 MDG target.
General Contents Concept focus
Class 1 Introductions, Overview of the course
Intro to MDGs and current issues Connecting issues
Class 2 MDGs, poverty (MDG #1) Creation of the MDGS, why necessary
Class 3 Universal Education (MDG #2) Understanding targets and indicators
Class 4 Gender Equity (MDG #3)
* Setting project groups Women and the MDGs
Class 5 Infant and Maternal mortality (MDG #4 & 5) Gaps in coverage
Class 6 Infectious disease (MDG #6)
* Project status report Basic, chronic and ongoing health issues
Class 7 Climate Change (MDG #7) The connectedness of issues
Class 8 Discussion on independent study papers
* Independent study reports due Learning from each other.
Class 9 Collaboration (MDG #8)
* Final project papers due Understanding how and why nations need to work together
Class 10 Class presentations and final discussion Synthesis of skills and issues

Course outline – Understanding the MDGs – Spring 2011

Class theme and focus
Class 1 Introductions, Overview of the course
Connecting issues
Intro to MDGs, why necessary
Class 2 Poverty (MDG #1)
MDGs connection to poverty
Understanding poverty and approaches
Class 3 Education (MDG #2)
Understanding indicators, research and data
* Setting groups
Class 4 Gender Equity (MDG #3)
Understanding what is and is not included, women’s roles and rights? Training and empowerment
Class 5 Child and maternal mortality (MDG #4 & 5)
Local situations, priorities and why some issues are supported less than others
Class 6 Infectious disease (MDG #6)
Community action, understanding MDG reports
* Project status report
Class 7 Climate change (MDG #7)
Public education programming, Understanding each person's role
Class 8 Collaboration (MDG #8)
Understanding how and why nations need to work together
* Independent study papers due
Class 9 Global campaign for MDGs => what how and why
* Final project papers due
Class 10 Class presentations
Synthesis of skills and issues