Sunday, June 24, 2012

To Makiko

Hi. I am Yoko of group educaion with remote technology.

Makiko, would you contact me when you see this post?  I think we need to talk for presentation progress paper, assignment for next class. We could not talk at the last class because I was absent. Sorry.

I hope this works. yoko.toyama0225@ジーメールドットコムです

Excuse this personal post here!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Let me inform  to people who chose 'child exploitation' as a theme for thepresentation on this blog. Please check your Facebook page!
Thank you!

Monday, June 18, 2012

good evening.....

Does anyone still not decide the presentation's topic? I'm interested in the Syrian revolution or educational obstacles for children who live in developing countries.